Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Articles I started &/or made significant contributions to include:'''


* Free ringtones Emilio Aguinaldo
* Majo Mills Algiers, Louisiana
* Nextel ringtones Red Allen
* Abbey Diaz Altun Ha
* Mosquito ringtone Pedro de Alvarado
* Sabrina Martins Amos & Andy
* Nextel ringtones American Austin Car Company
* Abbey Diaz American Federation of Musicians
* Mosquito ringtone Antigua Guatemala
* Sabrina Martins Arezzo
* Cingular Ringtones Lil Hardin Armstrong
* speech new Aztec


* climb take Bacalar
* illegal practices Bagel
* couple contract Theda Bara
* cat business Miguel Barbachano
* petersilia former Louis Barbarin
* mess that Paul Barbarin
* environmentalism religious Justo Rufino Barrios
* calcium and Barrison Sisters
* televised joint Basra
* by emotional Bathing machine
* goodness bona Battle of New Orleans
* another capital Battle of Puebla
* roving over Nora Bayes
* brodkey voice P.G.T. Beauregard
* war outbreak Becan
* cover along Sidney Bechet
* aluf benn Bix Beiderbecke
* area so Madge Bellamy
* sugar content Lionel Belasco
* Belize (and subordinate pages)
* Emile Berliner
* Bevo
* Barney Bigard
* Josh Billings
* The Birth of Venus
* Blue Bird Corporation
* Sharkey Bonano
* Bonampak
* Boswell Sisters
* Clara Bow
* Wellman Braud
* Brewster, Florida
* Bronx cheer
* Shelton Brooks
* Nacio Herb Brown
* Steve Brown (bass player)
* Tom Brown (trombonist)
* Brunswick Corporation
* Patrick Buchanan
* Raymond Burke

* Cacamatzin
* Calumet, Michigan
* Calypso music
* Cameo Records
* Campeche
* Eddie Cantor
* Al Capp
* Caracol, Belize
* Lazaro Cardenas del Rio
* Mutt Carey
* Carlota of Mexico
* Hoagy Carmichael
* Venustiano Carranza
* Carrollton, Louisiana
* Cartago, Costa Rica
* Caste War of Yucatán
* Frederick Catherwood
* Ceske Budejovice
* Cesky Krumlov
* Chan Bahlum II
* Chac
* Chandler Motor Car
* Chan Santa Cruz
* Chapultepec
* Cheeta
* Don Cherry (jazz)
* Chess Records
* Chetumal
* Chichen Itza
* Chimaltenango
* Chinkultic
* Alex Chiu
* Cholula
* Emile Christian
* Frank Christian
* Circle Records
* Cival
* William C. C. Claiborne
* Coban
* George M. Cohan
* Colmar
* Colón, Panama
* Comayagua
* Conch Republic
* Eddie Condon
* Córdoba, Argentina
* Hernan Cortes
* Ileana Cotrubas
* Country Joe and the Fish
* Henry Creamer
* Charles Cros
* Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
* Curtiss NC

* Allan Roy Dafoe
* Salvador Dalí
* Bebe Daniels
* Edgar Degas
* José Cecilo del Valle
* Detroit Electric
* George Dewey
* Dictaphone
* Dixie Highway
* Dixieland
* Baby Dodds
* Johnny Dodds
* Allan Roy Dafoe
* Walter Donaldson
* Jimmy Dorsey
* Tommy Dorsey
* Morton Downey
* Duomo di Milano

* James Buchanan Eads
* Cliff Edwards
* Eddie Edwards
* Edison Records
* Emerson Records
* Emir
* Manuel José Estrada Cabrera
* Oliver Evans

* Faubourg Marigny
* Eugene Field
* Doris Fisher
* Fred Fisher
* James Montgomery Flagg
* Max Fleischer
* Pops Foster
* French Quarter
* Frederick Funston

* Juan Galindo
* Amelita Galli-Curci
* Thomas Gann
* Mary Garden
* Jim Garrison
* William Lloyd Garrison
* Maria Gay
* Gennett Records
* Geronimo
* Giambologna
* Ruth Bader Ginsburg
* Giza
* George Washington Goethals
* Goldfield, Nevada
* Goshen, New York
* Percy Grainger
* Gramophone record
* Granada, Nicaragua
* Granma
* Green Bay, Wisconsin
* Grito de Dolores
* George Grossmith
* Guanajuato
* Guayaquil
* Vicente Guerrero
* Gulf City, Florida
* Gumarcaj

* Tubby Hall
* Ham the Chimp
* Emmett Hardy
* Ben Harney
* Coleman Hawkins
* Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre
* Lafcadio Hearn
* Lucille Hegamin
* Fletcher Henderson
* George Herriman
* Earl Hines
* Walter Hinton
* History of Central America
* History of Guatemala
* History of Mexico
* History of the Philippines
* Hit of the Week Records
* George Frisbie Hoar
* Samuel Hoar
* William Hogarth
* Oliver Wendell Holmes (both of him)
* Julia Ward Howe
* Huastec
* Huemac
* Victoriano Huerta

* George Inness
* Itasca State Park (one end of the Mississippi River)
* Augustin de Iturbide
* Izabal
* Izamal

* Tony Jackson
* Harry James
* Jazz royalty
* Jefferson Highway
* Jerome, Arizona
* William Jerome
* Bill Johnson
* Bunk Johnson
* Dink Johnson
* George W. Johnson
* James P. Johnson
* Isham Jones
* Richard M. Jones
* Hubert Julian
* Benito Júarez
* Kabah, Yucatán

* Franz Kafka
* Bert Kalmar
* Islam Karimov
* Freddie Keppard
* Key West, Florida
* Khaki
* Kibology
* Ward Kimball
* King cake
* Earl King
* Robert Koehler
* Samuel H. Kress
* S. H. Kress & Co.
* Krewe
* Krewe du Vieux
* Gene Krupa
* Kunduz
* Kut

* Labná
* Lacandon
* Papa Jack Laine
* Lake Pontchartrain
* Veronica Lake
* Joseph Lamb
* Dorothy Lamour
* Moon Landrieu
* Eddie Lang
* Nick LaRocca
* League
* León, Nicaragua
* George Lewis (clarinetist)
* Meade Lux Lewis
* Steve Lewis
* Ted Lewis
* List of artworks
* List of buildings
* Edward Livingston
* Locomobile
* Vincent Lopez
* Louisiana Purchase
* Louisiana Purchase Exposition
* Lubaantun
* Francisco Luna Kan

* Machinson Sisters
* Teoberto Maler
* Mam
* Mandeville, Louisiana
* Maní, Yucatán
* Wingy Manone
* Fate Marable
* Mardi Gras Indians
* Pigmeat Markham
* José Martí
* Tomas Masaryk
* Artie Matthews
* Maximilian of Mexico
* Maxwell automobile
* Maya civilization
* Maya Hero Twins
* Maya people
* Mayapan
* George Meade
* Santiago Méndez
* Mesoamerica
* Mesoamerican ballgame
* Mesoamerican chronology
* Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
* Mexico City
* Giacomo Meyerbeer
* Lizzy Miles
* Francis David Millet
* Jean-Francois Millet
* El Mirador
* Miss America
* F.A. Mitchell-Hedges
* Mitla
* Mixco Viejo
* Mixtec
* John Moisant
* Mojo
* Monte Albán
* Little Brother Montgomery
* Francisco Morazán
* José María Morelos
* Paul Morphy
* Mosul
* Motul
* Alfons Mucha
* Gussie Mueller
* Muggles
* Billy Murray (singer)
* Don Murray (clarinetist)
* Said Musa
* Museo Reina Sofia
* Mutual Broadcasting System
* Bess Myerson
* Mystick Krewe of Comus

* Nabisco
* Najaf
* Naranjo
* Charles W. Nash
* Nassiriya
* National Educational Television
* Billy May
* Ernesto Nazareth
* NC Flying Boat
* NC-4
* Near beer
* Newman, New Mexico
* New Orleans
* New Orleans Mardi Gras
* New Orleans Rhythm Kings
* New Spain
* Nezahualcoyotl
* Nezahualpilli
* Noble rot
* Jimmie Noone
* Jack Norworth
* Nun Yax Ayin
* Alcide Nunez

* Oaxaca
* Juan O'Gorman
* Bernardo O'Higgins
* Okeh Records
* Fred Olsen
* Omoa
* Original Dixieland Jass Band
* Pascual Orozco
* Oxcutzcab

* Pacal I
* Pacal the Great
* Palenque
* Roy Palmer
* Panama Railway
* Paramount Records
* Paranoiac-critical method
* Parkway
* Paseo de la Reforma
* Pathé Records
* Adelina Patti
* The Perils of Pauline
* The Perils Of Penelope Pitstop
* Peten
* Buddie Petit
* James Petrillo
* Phonograph
* Phonograph cylinder
* Fats Pichon
* Alphonse Picou
* Piedras Negras
* Pierce-Arrow
* Pilottown, Louisiana (the other end of the Mississippi)
* Armand J. Piron
* Zazu Pitts
* Archimedes Plutonium
* Pop art
* Port Fourchon, Louisiana
* Port Washington, Wisconsin
* Potter's wheel
* James Pradier
* President of Guatemala
* Pretzel
* Louis Prima
* Puuc

* Qazvin (city)
* Quetzal
* Quetzaltenango
* Quiché
* El Quiché
* Paul Quinichette
* Quintana Roo
* Quirigua

* Radio Netherlands
* Radio network
* Ramses III
* Albert Cushing Read
* Reo Speed-Wagon
* Rex parade
* Rhapsody in Blue
* Harry Richman
* Norbert Rilleaux
* Joan Rivers
* J. Russell Robinson
* Washington Roebling
* Juventino Rosas
* Rowena, South Dakota
* Jack Ruby
* Luis Russell
* Pee Wee Russell

* Sabado Gigante
* Sacrifice
* Salvador, Brazil
* Sam & Henry
* San José, Costa Rica
* José de San Martín
* San Pedro Sula
* Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
* George Santayana
* Santiago de Cuba
* São Luís
* John Singer Sargent
* Scat singing
* Schaffhausen
* Ernestine Schumann-Heink
* Jean Schwartz
* James Scott
* Seibal
* Shrewsbury, Louisiana
* Omer Simeon
* Zutty Singleton
* Chris Smith (composer)
* Jabbo Smith
* Mamie Smith
* Pine Top Smith
* Willie The Lion Smith
* Sopron
* Southland Records
* Spanish-American War
* Spanish conquest of Yucatán
* Spanish Flu
* Spearthrower Owl
* Spittoon
* Aileen Stanley
* Edwin Starr
* John Lloyd Stephens
* Storyville
* Wilber Sweatman

* Tahiti
* El Tajín
* Takalik Abaj
* Tarascan
* J. R. D. Tata
* Jack Teagarden
* Studs Terkel
* Walter Tetley
* Texcoco
* Theodotus of Byzantium
* J. Eric S. Thompson
* George H. Tichenor
* Ticul
* Tikal
* Tin Pan Alley (& various related people & topics)
* Tlaxcala
* Tokaji
* Tollan
* Tooth fairy
* Toothbrush
* Toothpaste
* Leonardo Torres y Quevedo
* Trading stamps
* Treme
* Sophie Tucker
* Tulum
* Ben Turpin
* Tzintzuntzán

* Tecún Umán
* United States highway
* Kitagawa Utamaro
* Uxmal


* Rudy Vallee
* Kid Thomas Valentine
* Van and Schenck
* Philipp Veit
* Diego Velasquez de Cuellar
* Diego Velazquez
* Venice, Louisiana
* Paolo Veronese
* Victor Talking Machine Company
* Jacques Villeré
* Mamie Van Doren
* Albert Von Tilzer
* Harry Von Tilzer

* Joseph Marshall Walker
* Sippie Wallace
* King Watzke
* John Wanamaker
* Jay Ward
* Teddy Weatherford
* James Weaver
* Chick Webb
* Rudy Weidoeft
* Raquel Welch
* Paul Whiteman
* Jane Wilde
* William Wilde
* Clarence Williams
* Esther Williams
* Spencer Williams
* Woodrow Wilson
* A. Baldwin Wood
* Del Wood
* World Cotton Centennial
* Ed Wynn

* Xochicalco
* Xunantunich

* Yaxchilan
* Andrew Young
* Lee Young
* Margaret Young
* Yucatán

* Zac-Kuk
* Zaculeu
* Ignacio Zaragoza
* José Santos Zelaya
* Giovanni Zenatello
* Ziegfeld Follies
* Zonophone Records
* Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club

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